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My name is Aßfalg, Valentin Aßfalg

When I was born in 2000 AD, I was of a very young age. As I grew older, I went to kindergarten and later to primary school and then to grammar school, where I received my Abitur in 2018, majoring in mechanical engineering.

Me at my graduation


After successfully completing my Abitur, I am now (as of 2020) studying Applied Computer Science at DHBW-Mosbach. This project came about out of sheer boredom in the lectures.

At school, I used to look out of the window during lessons and daydream. Nowadays, I programme during lectures, which is not noticed anyway, doesn't bother anyone and is more productive. In my spare time I tinker with things, mainly with RaspberryPi's, because of their simple but ingenious functionality. The leisure projects can be viewed in the Projects category.

My self-made car

The CPP Logo

I mostly program in html and md languages. Joking aside, I actually program with C, C++, C# and Python. C and C++ are my favourite languages, which I use to implement most of my leisure projects. I program in C# at work. Python is a language that is used again and again, both professionally and privately, because of the many libraries. When it is required, I program in Java, but only when it is required. I used PHP for programming this website.

My hobbies, apart from programming, are running shenanigans with Linux (Solus) (on desktop and server), as well as reading books and going hiking. I call Linux a hobby because it is. Linux, in my experience, is unfortunately not an easy complete solution for inexperienced people. You have to install something here, adjust a configuration file there, and every now and then, when you've collossally failed, fix the system. Nevertheless, I love Linux because of the freedom it gives me.

The Solus Logo